El Salvador is Known as the Land of...
El Salvador is the only Latin American country that...
The female population of Costa Rica are known as Costa Ricans, but also go by the name..
Costa Rica is one of the most eco-friendly countries in the world, how much of the land there is protected?
Which one of these statements is true about Costa Rica?
The first________ was invented in Guatemala during the Mayan times.
Which Spanish conquistador conquered Guatemala in 1524?
Guatemala has the honor of having...
Which is the largest country in Central America?
Which city is the capitol of Costa Rica?
The currency of Guatemala is actually named after the national bird and in ancient Mayan times, the feathers of this bird were actually used as currency.
The currency of Costa Rica is the...
San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador, has the biggest...
El Salvador became independent from Spain on?
Which of these is the smallest country in Central America and subsequently is smaller than the state of Massachusetts?
What do Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica all have in common?
Which of these is the national bird of El Salvador?
Which is is the only country in Central America that does not have a coastline on the Caribbean Sea?
“Pura vida” means “pure life” but the inhabitants of Costa Rica use it to mean...
While you might be served any of theses dishes in a restaurant in El Salvador, which of these is considered the national dish?
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