What are Whirling Dervishes?
The UN declared Israel a state in which year?
Which pharaoh built the Great Pyramid?
Who conquered Egypt in 30 B.C., ending the reign of the pharaohs?
Which star appears on the flag of Israel?
Who conquered the Mameluke army at the Battle of the Pyramids?
With whom did Anwar Sadat share the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978?
Which city in the Sudan houses the famous tomb of the Mahdi?
Who is the Egyptian god of wisdom?
After World War I, which country received a mandate over Palestine?
How old was King Tut when he died?
Who developed the hieroglyphic 'dictionary' after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone?
The creation of the State of Israel was announced on May 14, 1948. The next day the armies of the Arab nations began their invasion. What countries did these armies come from?
Which general of Alexander the Great became Pharaoh of Egypt, around 323 B.C.?
Who was the chief god of Memphis, and also the patron of artists and crafts-people?
Who defeated German Erwin Rommel at the Battle of El-Alamein?
When was the Six-Day War?
Who was the first Israeli president?
Which city in Egypt was originally the ancient city of Thebes?
Who was the first Pharaoh of Egypt?
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