Thailand also has the world’s largest...
Myanmar's total area is around the same as which U.S state?
What sea borders Myanmar?
Vietnam shares it's borders with which three countries?
What was once Myanmar's largest export?
What was Myanmar's former name?
What was the capital of Myanmar before 2006, when the capital was moved to Naypyidaw?
Myanmar was part of this empire over a period of sixty years?
In Thai, What is the English translation of "Khruang Bin"?
What is the climate of Thailand?
Myanmar and Thailand are two of the three countries that are part of the 'Golden Triangle' that produces opium. Which country is the third?
What is the political system in Thailand?
The world’s smallest mammal is found in Thailand it is....
What was the country called before it was renamed Thailand in 1939?
Thai is a tonal language. This means that one word can have multiple meanings, depending on the way it's pronounced. How many tones are there in the Thai language?
Thailand’s full name is Prathet Thai, which means “Land of the Free.” Becuase....
What is the national currency of Thailand?
What currency does Myanmar use?
One of Thailand’s most curious creatures is the...
The official language of Myanmar is Burmese. It is largely related to which language?
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