In Search of Adventure and Moments of Bliss...

Fascinating facts



167853_192944737398805_169938089699470_734536_6800002_nEvery year, four times more adventurers climb Mt. Everest than complete a circumnavigation of the globe.

Lois and Günter Hofmann achieved their eight-year, 34,000 mile nautical triumph after turning 60 years old.

They had set off in search of adventure and those rare Moments of Bliss, so difficult to find on land. They succeeded–and found so much more!

Join them aboard their 43-foot Catana catamaran, Pacific Bliss, as they sail from France to San Diego on the first voyage of their exciting and amazing circumnavigation.

More Fascinating Facts from the Book Maiden Voyage

  • Tangier is an ancient Phoenician city, founded in the fifth century B.C. The name probably came from the Berber goddess Tinjis. It came under Roman rule in the first century B.C., first as a free city and then, under Augustus, as a colony. A century later, Tangier became part of the Byzantine Empire. In 702, it came under Arab control.
  •  The first circumnavigation of the world was organized by Portuguese navigator and explorer Ferdinand Magellan but financed by Spain.
  •  Rastafarians believe that Haile Selassie, a former Ethiopian leader and descendant of King Solomon, was the returned Messiah, Jesus Christ. They follow the dietary restrictions of the Old Testament and therefore are almost exclusively vegetarian. Most grow dreadlocks in accordance with the Old Testament (Leviticus 21:5).

There are more interesting and tantalizing facts in “The did you know” sections of Maiden Voyage.

Architectural Masterpieces

What architectural masterpieces have you admired during your travels? PHOTO: The Alhambra, Malaga, Spain. As seen in “Maiden Voyage.”

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We’re Halfway There! The Madness Masquerade

Excerpted from Maiden Voyage. December 14 15° 14.5’N, 45° W We promised our crew a halfway party to break up the crossing of the Atlantic. We’ve told them only that the theme will be “Madness Masquerade.” It will consist of a ceremony, followed by a cocktail party. The crew will have to devise their own original costumes. I’ve been watching Georg caress the fruits every day, deciding which spoiled ones…

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